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Yoast V/s Rank Math. Which One Is Better For SEO Purpose?

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Yoast V/s Rank Math. Which One Is Better?

SEO specialists- Yoast, Rank Math. This two are quite similar which makes it difficult for SEO service company to choose out of them.

If we talk about Yoast SEO, it is widely used by people for a long time and carries a user base of around 5 million active installations. The plugin is trusted by millions of users across the world which is why at present, it is one of the best plugins in the market. The plugin does a lot to keep visitors and search engine spiders in pace.  

On the other hand, there is Rank Math, another SEO plugin. It is a new plugin that has arrived in the market and it is gaining positive feedback from several users. With its great features, the plugin is getting popular amongst the SEO community. This brings us to the questions- Which SEO plugin is the best to be used for spaceman slot a WordPress website? And, what are the differences between the two of them?

So, in this article, we will talk about the two plugins- Yoast v/s Rank Math. We’ll also discuss their features and which If we talk about WordPress SEO plugins, three main plugins are popular and greatly used by one you should go for.

Yoast v/s Rank Math

Yoast SEO Plugin:


  • SEO analysis
  • Readability analysis
  • Snippet preview for desktop and mobile
  • Complete control over site’s breadcrumbs
  • Canonical URL to prevent duplicate content

User Interface

Yoast SEO plugin pays more attention to functionality rather than on aesthetics. You can do a lot of things with several options organized under defined categories. However, the UI of the plugin is a bit bland and uninspired.


Yoast SEO offers a setup wizard in 8 steps where you have to do some basic settings like site type, search engine visibility, organization type, title setting, and more. There’s also a video guide embedded in the setup process that can help you if you are a beginner.

Keyword Assigning

Using the free version of Yoast SEO, you can use a maximum one keyword for your content. However, if you want to optimize your content with multiple keywords, you need to buy the paid version. It uses three colors- green, orange, and red to indicate the requirement of optimization of content. You can check the SEO score, readability score, and other things with this.  

Rank Math Plugin:


  • Clean and easy to use interface
  • Easy to follow the setup wizard
  • Great customer support
  • Edit titles and descriptions of your content in bulk
  • Modular framework

User Interface

Rank Math has got a clean and organized dashboard. In this, you can turn on and off the features. The features are well-defined inside a box along with their status. The UI of the plugin is very attractive and it not only looks modern but also boosts the user experience.


Rank Math is very easy to use and well-organized. After its installation, it brings a 5 steps installation wizard. You can create a new account using Google, Facebook, or Email. However, you can skip this step. After this, you need to enter the site name, sitemap configuration, search console details, and others. Then, you can move to advanced settings.

Keyword Assigning

With Rank Math, you can use a maximum of 5 keywords for optimizing your content. However, you must create a free account for this purpose. The plugin will show the score of the content from 0-100. If you get a score above 80, it shows a green color. So, optimize your content to get the green color in it.


With the above points comes that there’s no significant difference between the two plugins so we can’t clearly say which one is better. You can pick slot bet 100 any of these as per your choice. If you want to use a more trustworthy one- you can opt Yoast SEO and if you want to use the easier one- you can opt for Rank Math. Or else, try the free version of both and decide later.

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